Frequently Asked Questions


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Does Acupuncture hurt?

Dr. Nicole uses the finest filiform acupuncture needles which are virtually painless. If they are felt, patients describe them as mosquito bites. Once they needles are inserted, a dull ache or tingling feeling may occur.

what about the needles?

Dr. Nicole uses single-use, extremely thin filiform acupuncture needles of the highest quality. A guide tube is used to “tap” the needle into place which makes insertion quick and painless.

Who is qualified to do acupuncture?

Registered and Licensed Acupuncturists are required at least 3 years of formal training in acupuncture. Chiropractors and physiotherapists can take courses and treat sports injury. Licensed Acupuncturists can treat whole health conditions as well as sports injury.

does acupuncture work?

Yes! Acupuncture has stood the test of time. There is lots of research validating its effectiveness and the World Health Organization has approved acupuncture to treat many conditions.

how many treatments will i need?

Typically anywhere between 1-10 treatments. Chronic conditions need more treatments than acute issues do. Treatments are spaced 1 week apart and maintenance treatments are spaced 1 -2 months apart.

what do i wear?

Your normal clothes. It may be helpful to wear looser pants so Nicole can access your legs if need be. Some treatments require you to undress to your underwear much like a massage.

can i exercise after the treatment?

It is recommended to drink warm fluids and rest for 2-3 hours after treatment. Normal activities are welcomed after this period.

is acupuncture covered by insurance?

Most insurance companies have coverage for acupuncture. Please check with your provider. The clinic does direct billing.

is acupuncture like dry-needling?

No. Dry-needling is not a typical TCM acupuncture therapy. Dr. Nicole does not perform dry-needling.

i’m scared of needles!

Lots of people are! And they still come for acupuncture! Dr. Nicole has dealt with needle phobias and nervousness for over 15 years and can calm and reassure you throughout the treatment. She uses hairlike needles that are painless.

do you take SGI claims?

Dr. Nicole is not accepting SGI claims at this time but can direct you to practitioners that do.